Town of Wake Forest “Turkey Day” holiday schedule


The Wake Forest Town Hall and other administrative offices will be closed Thursday-FridayNov. 26-27, for the Thanksgiving holiday. Police service will not be interrupted, but other Town operations will be affected.
Town offices will re-open Monday, Nov. 30, at 8 a.m.

Trash & RecyclingThe collection of trash and recyclingfor the week of November 23 will change as follows: Thursday’s routes will be collected Friday, Nov. 27, and Friday’s routes will be collected Saturday, Nov. 28.

Yard WasteYard waste will not be collected November 26-27. The collection of all routes, including the Thursday and Friday routes, will occur Monday-WednesdayNov. 23-25, until all have been completed. To ensure that all neighborhoods are serviced properly, residents are urged to leave their normal yard waste and loose leaves in separate piles behind the curb by 7 a.m. Monday for pickup by Wednesday. As always, please avoid placing items on or near mailboxes, utility boxes, utility poles or other fixed objects. 
Wake Forest residents can track the progress of leaf collection crews by calling the Leaf Collection Hotline at 919-435-9582. The hotline is updated each weekday morning by 8 a.m. with information identifying areas where crews will be working that day. 

Bulk PickupBulk pick-ups will be scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 24. To schedule a bulk pick-up, complete the online bulk waste pick-up request form by 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 23.
Residents without internet service can schedule their pick-up by calling 919- 435-9570 by 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 23.Residents who call after hours may leave a voicemail message. All voicemail requests for bulk pick-up service must include the resident’s name, physical address, and telephone number, along with a description of the bulk waste items to be collected. Any service request that does not include the required information will not be processed.
When scheduling a bulk waste pick-up, Wake Forest residents are urged to follow the Town’s bulk waste guidelines. Defined in the Town of Wake Forest Code of Ordinances as “refuse weighing in excess of 75 pounds each,” bulk waste includes any item that does not fit in the Town-issued roll-out garbage cart. Examples of bulk waste pick-up items include furniture, lawn mowers, swings, and book shelves. For more information, visit and search “Bulk pickup.”

Bus ServiceWake Forest Bus Service, including the Wake Forest-Raleigh Express and the Wake Forest Loop, will not be provided Thursday, Nov. 26. Only the Wake Forest Loop will operate Friday, Nov. 27. Both the Wake Forest-Raleigh Express and the Wake Forest Loop will operate according to their normal schedules Monday, Nov. 30.

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