
Jones awarded Rotary Peace Award

Jones awarded Rotary Peace Award

From WSJ Staff Reports — Wake Forest Mayor Vivian Jones was awarded the first Annual Rotary Peace Award by the Wake Forest Rotary Club and the Wakefield Rotary Club of Wake Forest. This award recognizes an esteemed Wake Forest citizen who is focused on unifying the community. In presenting the award, Wakefield Rotary Club President, […]

Historic Preservation Commission seeks to fill two seats

Historic Preservation Commission seeks to fill two seats

You can make a difference in our community by applying to fill one of two vacancies on the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). One opening must be filled by a candidate who resides in the town’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The other seat is open to anyone who lives in Wake Forest or its ETJ.Professionals with historic preservation […]

March 11: Loose leaf collection ends

March 11: Loose leaf collection ends

From WSJ Staff Reports — The Town of Wake Forest reminding residents that loose leaf collection service will end Friday, March 11. As a result, the week of March 7 will offer residents one in leaves behind the curb by 7 a.m. on their normal collection day. From Monday, March 14, through Friday, Sept. 30, residents must use compostable paper yard waste bags (paper only, […]

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