In recent days the Town of Wake Forest has received numerous inquiries from residents about whether the Town plans to “cancel” Halloween this year. Not surprisingly, rumors also abound on social media that Wake Forest has “prohibited” trick-or-treating. Town officials want residents to know that Halloween has not been canceled, and trick-or-treating is at parents’ discretion.
Halloween (and trick-or-treating) is not a Town-sanctioned event, but rather a nationally recognized event that occurs on October 31. Other than announcing the recommended trick-or-treating hours (always 6-8 p.m.), the Town of Wake Forest has no further involvement.
Additionally, the Town has no legal authority or basis to cancel Halloween/trick-or-treating or to restrict the free movement of its residents. Participation in trick-or-treating is an individual/parent decision – both by those who choose to allow their children to go door-to-door and those who opt to hand out candy.
Any residents who do not want trick-or-treaters on their property should turn off their front lights and close the front door. Trick-or-treaters are asked to be respectful to those who choose not to participate.
Those who choose to participate – either as trick-or-treaters or distributors of candy – are strongly urged to follow these public health recommendations:
- Be safe and utilize common sense, such as wear a protective mask or face covering;
- Maintain social distancing if not in the same household;
- Any household with a positive case of COVID-19 should not participate;
- Any individuals with COVID-19 symptoms should not participate;
- Any homes that are supplying candy are encouraged to practice safe social distancing.
To view a complete list of Halloween safety tips, visit http://bit.ly/HalloweenSafetyWF.