Men’s & Co-Rec Spring Softball registration ends Sunday

From WSJ Staff Reports

The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department is accepting team registrations for Men’s Spring Softball and Co-Rec Spring Softball through Sunday, Feb. 28. Online registration is available at The entry fee for both leagues is $550 per team, and participants must be 18 or older.

Men’s Spring Softball games will begin in mid-March and be played primarily on Monday and Wednesday evenings.

Co-Rec Spring Softball games will also begin in mid-March and be played mainly on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Anyone interested in participating who does not have a team can sign up as a free agent, then assigned to a team in need of players. To register as a free agent, visit, search “Free Agent” and complete the online registration form.

Due to the ever-evolving situation surrounding COVID-19, PRCR-sponsored athletic programs are subject to change with limited notice. Wake Forest officials will continue to closely monitor updates and follow guidelines from the Wake County Health Department, N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHSS) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). These guidelines have been implemented in protocols established by the Town to address potential exposure to the coronavirus and protect our community and staff.

Community health and safety is the top priority for the PRCR Department. Once practices and games begin, several precautionary measures will be taken to protect players, coaches and officials:

  • All participants will be encouraged to be no closer than six feet apart at any time;
  • Participants will be encouraged to have no physical contact of any kind, including high-fives, handshakes, and face-to-face conversations;
  • Procedures will be in place to limit use of the dugout areas during games;
  • Bleachers will be closed to spectators but may be used for player seating. Spectators will be encouraged to bring their own chairs;
  • Players will not be permitted to share any equipment. Managers of each team will be required to sanitize all of their players’ equipment before every practice and game;
  • Participants will be expected to provide their own bat that meets the ASA specifications;
  • If players are showing symptoms of sickness, they will not be allowed to practice or play during games;
  • In accordance with NCHSAA protocols, all participants, including players and coaches, will be required to wear face coverings during practices and games;
  • Practices will be shorter than normal. If a team uses the first-base dugout in the first practice, the next group will be encouraged to use the third-base dugout;
  • Until NCDHHS restrictions on the number of people allowed to attend outdoor events are lifted, only one spectator per player will be allowed to attend scheduled team events, including practices and games.

For more information, contact Athletics Specialist KP Kilpatrick at 919-435-9457 or  

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