WFHS Army JROTC team travels to Washington, DC to compete in National Academic Bowl Championship

For WSJ30

COVID-19 has presented many challenges in schools over the past year. From in-person to remote to hybrid learning, high school students across the country have faced hardships and struggles. Through all the challenges of COVID-19 and distance learning, Army JROTC cadets have risen to the challenge through their participation in the 2020-2021 JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl. And the cadets from Wake Forest High School have proven their ability to overcome and succeed despite those obstacles. 

The Wake Forest High School JROTC Leadership Team composed of Preston Spencer, Loral Hills-Paulson, Paige Weatherford, Tiergan Campbell heads to Washington, DC to compete in the Championship event on Monday, July 19. The 2021 U.S. Army JROTC Leadership Bowl Championship will be held on the campus of The Catholic University of America, July 19-23, 2021. Wake Forest High School Senior Army Instructor Colonel (retired) Donald Joyner, and Army Instructor, Commander Sergeant Major (retired) Ginger Cribb will coach and accompany their team to Washington, DC. This event is sponsored by the U.S. Army Cadet Command and is conducted by the College Options Foundation. 

Wake Forest High School’s JROTC team earned top scores out of the 1,511 Army JROTC leadership teams that competed from around the world in the first two competition rounds. The team is one of only forty Army JROTC Leadership Bowl teams in the nation that won an all-expense paid trip to compete in the Championship event in DC. The cadets are tested on their knowledge of current events, leadership values, and leadership skills. 

The JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl (JLAB) is a nationally recognized competition created exclusively for JROTC students. By participating, cadets learn the values of citizenship, academic competition, and college opportunity. The competition creates tremendous opportunities for JROTC cadets by allowing them to demonstrate leadership and academic abilities. 

College Options Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to enriching the academic development of high school students and assisting them in their preparation for higher education. Using academic competitions, college exam study guides, college admissions tutorials, and personalized counseling, College Options Foundation has assisted the nation’s JROTC cadets worldwide for nearly two decades.

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