Dec. 3 — TREE LIGHTING and SANTA’S ARRIVAL: “Lighting of Wake Forest,” at Centennial Plaza, downtown. Santa will arrive in a Wake Forest Fire Truck and the town’s 20-foot Christmas tree will be lit. 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
· Dec. 4 — HOLIDAY ARTISANS MARKET: Local crafters and artisans will be featured at the ARTS Wake Forest Holiday Artisans Market. The event is at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St.
Dec: 7 — WAKE FOREST YOUTH CONCERT: A free winter concert will be given by the Wake Forest Community Youth Orchestra at 6p.m. Caroline Jones is guest soloist. The event is at Rolesville Baptist Church, 203 E. Young St., Rolesville.
DEC. 5: “IT’S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS” Holiday songs sung by local performers.
Dec. 10-11: “CELTIC ANGELS CHRISTMAS” Holiday songs mixed in with Irish tunes and dancing.
DEC. 18: “MALPASS FAMILY CHRISTMAS” Wake Forest favorites, The Malpass Brothers, Chris and taylor, will be joined with family members to perform country, gospel and holiday songs. Santa will also make an appearance. For more information, contact the Renaissance Centre at 919-435-9458.
And last but not least, for those of you Wake Forest residents that want a Christmas Parade instead of a tree lighting…
Dec. 5 — ROLESVILLE CHRISTMAS PARADE: Noon to 3p.m., Main Street, Rolesville. Pre-parade activities in the Rolesville Elementary Parking lot.