Good morning. Well our country hasn’t quite been torn apart yet, and I doubt it will, but every day it seems the uneducated are getting a firmer grasp on how we may have to live our lives from now on. I, also, doubt that lasts.
There is no room for racism or police brutality in this world. But there is also no room exploiting serious issues for political reasons, website hits or television ratings.
We have leaders, real leaders, who have intelligent thoughts to add to the conversation, but for every one of those we have others with agendas, who use misinformation and chaos to manipulate the minds of the uneducated, immoral and basic troublemakers to do their bidding for them.
I don’t have the time to teach a history lesson, but I will say Robert E. Lee is arguably the greatest American soldier to ever step on a battlefield. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, a slave owner, was a born loser who was in the right place at the right time but was able to keep it together for a few years and lead the Union to a Civil War win. The founding fathers did a great job laying the groundwork for a great nation to come. When the Declaration of Independence was written there was a long debate on the verbiage to include about slavery. Slavery lost out. A mistake.
During the growing pains of our country many mistakes have been made, and hopefully we have learned from them all. But we learn from talking to each other. Intelligent conversations, debates, until we can agree or at least compromise.
Slavery was a mistake. So was the upheaval and massacre of the Native American Indian. The Indian Removal Act ranks at the top of my list of mistreatments of people in the United States, but in the world, it’s no comparison to the Holocaust.
The Greatest Generation fought for the freedom of the World from Hitler and Japan in World War II. American men going to war and the women going to work in factories to come together to fight an injustice.
You can’t blame a 6-year-old American for what happened centuries ago, just as you can’t blame a 6-year-old Japanese for Pearl Harbor and a young German for the Holocaust.
There are legitimate protestors with a strong message, but there are also paid instigators pushing an political agenda and the worst of them all, uneducated millennials who think raising their fists above their heads for a few hours before they go home to their parents’ home and dye their hair purple and adjust their piercings as they admire their tattoos in their parents’ master bathroom mirror.
This country will survive.
No hypocrite governor, tweeting president, jackass party or manipulating media will destroy it.
They may make life inconvenient and scary at times, but they will not put an end to us.