The Wake Forest Police Department (WFPD) will host “Operation Medicine Drop” Saturday, Oct. 24, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Town Hall Ground Floor Meeting Room, 301 S. Brooks St. The room is most easily accessed via Town Hall’s Taylor Street entrance.
The WFPD offers Operation Medicine Drop (OMD) as a prescription and over-the-counter medication take-back initiative that promotes proper medication disposal. By providing a safe and secure way for people to get rid of unwanted pills, tablets and other medications, OMD helps prevent accidental poisonings and drug abuse, while also protecting local rivers and streams. The service is free, anonymous and no questions will be asked.
Due to COVID-19, anyone dropping off unwanted medications will be required to wear a mask when entering Town Hall.
Participants can help law enforcement officials properly identify and sort the medications by disposing expired, unused or unwanted medicine in its original container with the drug label intact. All the medications collected during the drop-off event will be secured by law enforcement and destroyed by incineration.
Operation Medicine Drop is a partnership of the N.C. Department of Insurance and Safe Kids NC, N.C. Department of Justice – Attorney General’s Office, U.S. Department of Justice – Drug Enforcement Agency, N.C. Department of Public Safety – SBI, the Riverkeepers of N.C. and local law enforcement agencies. These agencies work together to provide assistance and support to aid in the proper disposal of prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Operation Medicine Drop reminds parents and caregivers to do the following:
- Keep medicines locked up and out of reach of children.
- Always read labels, follow directions and give medicines to children based on their weights and ages. Only use the dispensers packaged with children’s medications.
- Avoid taking medicine or vitamins in front of kids.
- Medicine should not be referred to as “candy.”
- If you suspect poisoning and a child is choking, collapses, can’t breathe or is having a seizure, call 911. Otherwise, take the product to the phone and call the national Poison Help hotline at 1-800-222-1222.
For more information about Operation Medicine Drop, email Lt. M. Perkinson at mperkinson@wakeforestnc.gov.