Christmas spirit needed early in 2020

James Brantley and Shannon Parker put together the Parker’s Big Mountain Christmas Tree lot on Main Street in Wake Forest on Sunday afternoon. WSJ PHOTO | JAY LAMM


With COVID endangering every breath taken, an undecided election that doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon and restrictions on how many family members to invite to give thanks, the construction of an earlier-than-usual Christmas tree lot is ushering in something positive. 

“Best news I’ve heard all year,” said Shannon Parker of Parker’s Big Mountain Christmas Trees, near Boone. 

That’s what a lady who stopped by to see what Parker and James Brantley were doing in the lot in front of The Factory on Main Street in Wake Forest on Sunday afternoon. 

“She wanted to know if we were putting up a Christmas tree lot. And when I told her yes, she smiled big and told me this is what everyone needs, a little Christmas spirit,” Parker said. 

Parker has been selling Christmas trees in Wake Forest for about 18 years. He has two other lots in the Wake Forest area, one near Wakefield on Keith Store’s Road and the other at Lafayette Village. 

This year he decided to set up a week early and will start selling the trees on Saturday, Nov. 21. 

Having been in the Christmas tree growing business since 1971, Parker felt this year people need the Christmas Spirit as soon as possible. 

“I know some don’t like Christmas overtaking Thanksgiving, but with everything going on, everyone can use their spirits lifted, hopefully Christmas and all its about, will do just that.”

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