Fred Smith Company, a contractor working on the Ligon Mill Road Operational Improvements Project (LMROIP), will temporarily reduce from two lanes to one lane a portion of southbound South Main Street/US 1A in the vicinity of the Ligon Mill Road intersection Friday, April 30, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The temporary lane closure is necessary to allow crews to install curb and gutter.
Cones and signage will be in place to manage traffic flow and safely direct motorists through the work area. Delays are expected, so motorists are encouraged to avoid the area if possible and plan an alternate route.
The LMROIP consists of widening the existing narrow corridor from two lanes to a four-lane median-divided roadway with left-turn lanes, bike lanes, curb and gutter and extra-wide sidewalks. In addition, crosswalks, pedestrian signals, and dedicated left, through and right-turn lanes will be installed at the existing intersection with South Main Street/US 1A.