Aug. 7: Wake Forest remembers Purple Heart veterans

Present for the banner hanging gathering from left to right; are Martha Loftin and Karen Pettyjohn co-chair for the banner with Magnolia, Ronnie Floyd, Historian, American Legion Post 187, Mark Dwyer, Commander, Post 187, Rich Heroux, Wake Forest Purple Heart Foundation, Tracy Mahl, President, Wake Forest Women’s Club, and Co-Chair Nancy Ruftin. Paula Johnson, Women’s Club member was present but not in the photo. Photo | Contributed

From WSJ Staff Reports

National Purple Heart Day is Aug. 7.

To help the community remember those veterans who received the Purple Heart as a result of injuries in combat. The Wake Forest Women’s Club designed and made a commemorative banner that will be displayed in front of the American Legion Post Headquarters, 225 East Holding Avenue, Wake Forest, until Aug. 7.

 Tickets to the 2021 Purple Heart Foundation Picnic to be held from 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Richland Creek Community Church, soccer field on Aug. 7. Tickets are $25.00 and can be purchased on line at

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