2022 Friday Night on White sponsorships available

Crush is one of the bans performing during the 2022 Friday Night on White concert series.
Photo | Contributed

For The White Street Journal —

Friday Night on White returns to historic downtown Wake Forest on April 8 and continues the second Friday night of each month through September. Please note: The July concert will take place on the third Friday due to the Independence Day holiday.

Friday Night on White brings the community together for six Friday nights of free, family entertainment. Concert goers are treated to a diverse lineup of premier bands from across our region playing covers from classic to modern rock, with a little funk and original music thrown in.

A variety of sponsorships are available for this popular concert series which drew well over 50,000 people to downtown Wake Forest in 2019. Each sponsorship is guaranteed to bring attention and recognition to local businesses through on-site exhibit space; assorted radio and television ads; printed posters, flyers, and banners; social media posts; email announcements and more.

Attendance at each concert in 2019 ranged from 8,000 to 12,000, and organizers expect this year’s shows to draw even larger numbers due to the series’ two-year hiatus, along with its incredible popularity throughout Northern Wake County and beyond.

To view a detailed list of Friday Night on White sponsorship opportunities and benefits, contact Marketing & Business Relations Specialist Anna Bolton at 919-610-4916 or abolton@wakeforestnc.gov.

For information about all the Town’s advertising and sponsorship opportunities, visit wakeforestnc.gov and search “Advertising.”


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