For The White Street Journal
You can make a difference in our community by applying to fill one of two vacancies on the Urban Forestry Board (UFB). All residents of Wake Forest and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) are eligible to apply.
The online application is available through Monday, May 16, at Anyone without access to a computer is invited to complete the application by using a computer kiosk in the lobby of Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St. Hard copies are available upon request by contacting Executive Assistant Cathi Pope at 919-435-9467
Candidates will be expected to attend the Tuesday, May 24, UFB meeting to introduce themselves to current members and explain why they wish to serve. Following the interviews, the UFB will review its slate of candidates before submitting its recommendation to the BOC.
The selected applicants will volunteer for a three-year term and advise the Board of Commissioners on a variety of topics related to urban forestry. For more information, contact Cathi Pope at 919-435-9467 or