WF Parks and Rec offers May Month of Fitness

For The White Street Journal

The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Department is offering a free outdoor fitness series four nights a week in May at E. Carroll Joyner Park, 701 Harris Road. Free and open to area residents of all ages, May Month of Fitness will consist of the following weekly classes: 

·         Mondays – Camp Gladiator

·         Tuesdays – Yoga

·         Thursdays – Zumba

·         Fridays – Dance & Get Fit Line Dance

All classes are free and require no registration. Each will be offered from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Joyner Park Amphitheater.

Camp Gladiator is an adult fitness boot camp that promises a motivating and challenging environment where men and women of all ages and fitness levels can push themselves. Participants should expect a total body workout. A typical session could include interval training, sprint and agility drills, stations, plyometrics, body weight strength drills, cardio mix, and much more. Camp Gladiator is designed to increase your functional strength, speed, stamina and – most importantly – deliver results. Camp Gladiator participants are encouraged to bring a mat and water.

Yoga is a mind and body practice. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga participants should bring a mat and water. 

Zumba is an aerobic fitness program featuring movements inspired by various styles of Latin American dance and performed primarily to Latin American dance music. Participants are encouraged to bring water.

Dance & Get Fit Line Dance is a total body workout using low to high impact R&B Line Dances to stay in Shape. No dance experience required. Just come out to learn how to do the latest soul line dances in a fun and friendly environment. Participants should bring water.

For more information on May Month of Fitness, visit and search “May Month of Fitness” or contact Special Events Coordinator Suja Jacob at 919-435-9558 or

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