By Jay Lamm on Oct 24, 2022
Editor's Pick
FROM STAFF REPORTS Jason Michael Carroll will perform at Seby Jones Performing Arts Center, on the Louisburg College campus on November 11 at 7:30 p.m. Youngsville resident Carroll rose to fame after being discovered at a local talent competition in 2004 and later signed to the Arista Nashville label in 2006, releasing his debut album […]
By Jay Lamm on Feb 22, 2022
Editor's Pick, Police Blotter
By Jay Lamm – Wake Forest Police have arrested a juvenile — age not given — in connection with the shooting of a 14-year-old in the leg. Officers reportedly responded to the 200 Block of North Allen on Feb. 2 to an incident and soon thereafter responded to what they determined as a related report of agunshot injury at the 800 Block of North […]
By Jay Lamm on Feb 22, 2022
Editor's Pick, Opinion
Getting public records from police departments/agencies remains one of the most conflicted issues between a public news agency and government. The primary reasons are lack of consistent reporting practices by police and the control of information in context of the rights of the person charged, arrested, or suspected in a crime. We contend the public right to know under state […]