The Walter E. Cole, Post 187, American Legion will team up with the American Red Cross to conduct a blood donor drive from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 19 at Post 187 at 225 East Holding Ave., Wake Forest.
Due to the increased demand for blood the Red Cross is encouraging citizens to participate in the blood drive to improve the shortness of whole blood available within the area.
“This is the tenth blood drive conducted by the Legion Post this calendar year, ” said Henry Pierwola, Post 187 spokesman. “Approximately 280 pints of much needed blood have been given this year.”
If you are interested in donating blood please contact Pierwola at (919) 556 3619, contact the Red Cross at Red Cross.com, or come the day of the blood drive between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.