Closed since March due to COVID-19, the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre for the Arts will resume “flix4kidz” and “Free at 3” with reduced capacity on Monday, Nov. 9. The Renaissance Centre will host “flix4kidz” at 10:30 a.m., followed by “Free at 3” at 3 p.m. – each with a maximum capacity of 25 people.
The flix4kidz featured film will be “Moana”, while the Free at 3 movie will be “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947 version). Both films are rated PG.
The Renaissance Centre will implement updated safety and cleaning protocols and take all reasonable precautions to best promote the health and safety of those who choose to attend these programs.
To adhere to reduced capacity requirements, program attendees will be required to register and sign a participation waiver in advance. Online registration is open to the first 25 people to register for flix4kidz at www.wakeforestrencen.org/event/flix4kidz-0 and Free at 3 at www.wakeforestrencen.org/event/free-3-17.
On the day of the event, wellness checks will be required prior to admission and masks must be worn inside the Renaissance Centre. During the screening, attendees will be asked a few short questions and a temperature check will be performed using a touchless thermometer. Anyone who does not clear the screening will be prohibited from entering the building, along with all the members of their group. Hand-sanitizing stations will be provided throughout the facility and physical distancing will be enforced.
Concessions will not be available for purchase during either event.
Featuring only G or PG-rated children’s and family films, “flix4kidz” offers free family-friendly movie showings at 10:30 a.m. typically on the second Monday morning of each month.
Designed for adults ages 50 and over, “Free at 3” features a variety of film favorites and genres, including art and family films, as well as comedies, dramas, thrillers and more – often with a seasonal or historical theme. Free at 3 is also typically offered on the second Monday of each month.
The Renaissance Centre offers open captioning (OC) during “Free at 3” movie screenings. Subtitles are shown directly on the screen. In addition, Assistive Listening Devices are also available for use upon request.
For information about upcoming programs and events offered at the Renaissance Centre, sign up for Renaissance Centre updates via E-Notifier at www.wakeforestnc.gov/communications/e-notifier or call the Special Events Hotline at 919-435-9428.
The Renaissance Centre is located at 405 S. Brooks St. in downtown Wake Forest. For more information, visit www.wakeforestrencen.org/.