Splash, splash…pool opens May 29

Holding Park Aquatic Center to open for the season, patrons must register & pay in advance


From WSJ Staff Reports

Holding Park Aquatic Center (HPAC) will open for the 2021 season Saturday, May 29, at 9 a.m. To view the daily operating schedule, visit https://bit.ly/HoldingParkAquaticCenter.

Located at 133 W. Owen Ave., the HPAC features a six-lane, 25-yard lap pool, two water slides with plunge pool and children’s pool with water play. Open during the summer months, the facility offers swimming to the public, as well as swim lessons.

Daily admission fees for Wake Forest residents are $1 for children ages 2 and under; $4 for children ages 3-13; and $5 for patrons ages 13-59; and $4 for ages 60 and over. Daily admission fees for non-Wake Forest residents are $2 for children ages 2 and under; $6 for children ages 3-13; and $7 for patrons ages 13-59; and $6 for ages 60 and over.

Due to COVID-19, the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Department will implement a series of safety procedures at HPAC similar to those introduced last year. For example, open swim times will be scheduled in three-hour blocks, with one hour in between to allow staff to clean and sanitize the facility, including deck chairs, door handles, hand rails and other high-touch areas. 

In addition, a maximum of 160 patrons will be allowed inside the facility during each session. Patrons must register and pay for each session in advance online, and no walk-ins will be allowed. To register and pay in advance and view the full list of safety procedures, visit https://bit.ly/HoldingParkAquaticCenter.

Swim lesson registration will begin Monday, May 31, at 8 a.m. Online registration will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis until all slots are filled. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/wfswimlessons

Community health and safety is the top priority for the Town of Wake Forest. Due to the ever-evolving situation surrounding COVID-19, the HPAC operating schedule is subject to change with limited notice. Town officials will continue to monitor official updates and follow guidelines from the Wake County Health Department, N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHSS) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). These guidelines have been implemented in protocols established by the Town to address potential exposure to the coronavirus and protect our community and staff. For more information, contact the PRCR Department at 919-435-9560.

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